The savory start of BestEverBuzz

The savory start of BestEverBuzz

Love gave birth to That, and a big old glass of chocolate milk.

There I was, enjoying a glass of chocolate milk alone in my kitchen on a Saturday morning. I thought to myself, “This has to be the best chocolate milk in the world!” I wanted to tell the world about it, but I didn’t have the vehicle.

I do now. is the place for everyone to share the best of everything. It’s the culmination of years of thinking it through, talking it out and growing in appreciation for the best things in life.

It turns out I’m in great company. The word “best” is among the top descriptive terms in Google searches. People are constantly looking for the best, be it restaurants, resorts, recreation, revelry or relaxation.

The thing is, information on the best things in life is scattered all over the internet. I wanted a single place where you could discover the best of anything you can eat, drink, see, touch, taste, hear, smell or even feel in your heart.

That’s what BestEverBuzz is all about: finding, enjoying and sharing all the best in life.

How fun is that?

I’m by nature a grateful guy. I feel so blessed, especially to live in a world with such a bounty and such a variety of delights, adventures and even needs to fill. But I had no idea just how blessed we are until I set out recently to make a list of the Top 5 best things in life.

I took a break after coming up with almost 60. I’ll share them later. But rest assured, I was only scratching the surface.

Someone at asked, “What is the best thing in life?” Answers ranged from the big-picture philosophical – learning, God, even life’s finite nature – to all the little things we take for granted: the sound of rain, the season’s first snowfall, the aroma of freshly baked cookies – and, I would add, a fabulous chocolate milk.

This is the nature of BestEverBuzz: not merely the hedonistic pursuit of palpable pleasures, though I’ll do plenty of that, but a joyful, reverent celebration of all the gifts God bestows on us – from food, drink, music, dance, art, sport, travel and nature, to diverse cultures – and most of all, each other.

How rich we are in both our needs and desires and our endless capacity to satisfy them – and to make lasting memories in the process.

Let BestEverBuzz be your guide on this journey to discover the best that life has to offer.

If such inspiration can come from a lonesome glass of milk, imagine all the other experiences awaiting you when you reach out to them with a childlike, grateful heart.

All my best to you!